Pictures of Dan: Jose and Jared's Wedding

September 15, 2001

Select the images for the full-size versions.

Taken by Merin

(left to right) Heather, half of Jeremy, Forrest, one eye of Danfuzz, Amy; before the ceremony (left to right) Heather, Jeremy Danfuzz; before the ceremony
Snackies just before the ceremony (in front, left to right) Imber, Chaya, Danfuzz; more snackies just before the ceremony
Even yet more snackies just before the ceremony (left to right) Danfuzz, Elise
(left to right) Unknown, J.D., Koz (almost totally obscured), Jose, Imber, Jared (left to right) Sierra, Heather, and Jeremy

Taken by Wayne (wb)

(left to right) Amy, Danfuzz, Steve5, Al, Chaya (again with the snackies) (left to right) Jose, Caleb, Jared; the happy couple and their minister-cum-bbq-chef
